Summer this year is blistering hot throughout the world. We’ve already sung the praise of cold-brewed green tea, but did you know that hot green tea will actually help you handle those scorching days and weeks?
It can be tempting to stick to cold drinks during summer, but in fact, warm beverages will help your body endure the heat better. Cold drinks make you loose your appetite, and when you don’t eat enough, you get tired much more easily because you lack vitamins and minerals. Add to it a disrupted sleep, and your health will quickly suffer.
A good and nutritious diet is one of the keys to get through a hot summer in good health, and that's why green tea is the perfect choice. Loose leaf green tea contains a lot of vitamins (three times more Vitamin C than spinach for example!) and minerals that your immune system needs, but that your body looses quickly through perspiration.
In general, drinking hot beverages will make your body relax and regulate your internal temperature. On top of it, green tea is not fermented and is packed with antioxidants; this also helps your body to cool down naturally.
Finally, if you spend time outdoors, your skin will be exposed to UV rays. While green tea will never replace long sleeves, sunscreen and a hat, its catechins boost the skin’s resistance.
Please remember that green tea shouldn’t be sweetened or mixed with milk. You can easily control the bitterness of your cup of tea by letting the boiling water cool down to about 70C/158F before brewing the leaves.
Check out our selection of green teas here.